Your story should be fun (to live and to tell)
Looking back on my hockey days, it's obvious that I always played my best hockey when I was having fun. If I wasn't enjoying what I was...

the greatest story I ever told
Have you ever looked in the mirror and saw something that you wish you could change, but you can't? For me, it's my nose. My hockey days...

what you are born to do
On August 10th, 1984, I was born at Mcgee Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing 7lbs,11ounces. I have no idea why I felt...

Choose Your Pain - Mike Fallat
Awhile back, I was working for a multi-billion dollar company as a sales consultant. And I hated it with a passion. You see, I woke up...

Helped By Grant Cardone (Guest Blog By Brian Sharpe)
Today's Guest Blog is by Brian Sharpe - CEO and Founder of BaldDadMarketing.com Honestly, this article is to give a complete shout out...

Entrepreneur of the Week: Patrick Bet-David
Becoming great at anything takes time, practice, and dedication. One way to cut through the noise and save time is to listen to the...